fresh voices from the front lines of change







Why Do My Groceries Cost So Much?

Why Do My Groceries Cost So Much?

Giant corporations and billionaires want to keep their taxes low and the prices we pay high. That’s why they want Trump back in office. SUPPORT OUR WORK ESPAÑOL In 2004, I was a single mom raising three daughters on my own. I worked three jobs, including an overnight...

¿Por qué cuesta tanto la comida?

Las grandes empresas quieren pagar menos en impuestos, y que nosotros paguemos mas en los supermercados. Es por eso que quieren que Trump vuelva al poder.  APOYE NUESTRO TRABAJO INGLES Hace veinte años, yo era una madre soltera, criando sola a mis tres hijas. Para...
What Price Will You Pay?

What Price Will You Pay?

Democracy dies when we give up freedoms, thinking they are a small price to pay. That's why we need to defend our right to vote and defeat authoritarian leaders everywhere. SUPPORT OUR WORK SPANISH I recently returned to El Salvador for the first time in many years. I...

¿Que precio estás dispuesto a pagar?

La democracia muere cuando renunciamos a nuestros derechos, por más insignificante que estos parezcan. Por eso necesitamos defenderlos y aprender a reconocer cuando estamos a punto de sacrificarlos a líderes autoritarios en todas partes. APOYE NUESTRO TRABAJO ENGLISH...

¿Cual es el antídoto a la desesperación?

APOYE NUESTRO TRABAJO ENGLISH Los días entre Navidad y el Día de los Reyes son una época de gran alegría en nuestra casa en Wichita. Con mi esposo Reuben, compartimos una familia grande y mixta con nuestros cinco hijos, que ahora tienen entre 20 y 30 años. Una de mis...
What Is the Antidote to Despair?

What Is the Antidote to Despair?

SUPPORT OUR WORK ESPANOL The holidays are a joyous time at our house in Wichita. My husband Reuben and I share a big, blended family of five kids, now in their twenties and early thirties. One of my daughters lives in a small town with her husband, and through her...
Why We Hope

Why We Hope

It would be easy to despair in times like these. Powerful corporations profit from our climate crisis. Millions suffer from war or must flee their homes, and democracy is under attack. This is a time when we need each other more than ever. Yet many people feel alone....

El entrenamiento es como transformaremos a la sociedad

Aquí en People's Action Institute, el entrenamiento y capacitación son fundamentales - Son  la base de quienes somos. Para nosotros, es un compromiso. Sabemos que si tenemos alguna esperanza de transformar la sociedad en la que vivimos para que todos puedan no solo...
Training Is How We Transform Society

Training Is How We Transform Society

Here at People’s Action Institute, training is our foundation. These are not just nice words - this is our commitment. If we have any hope to transform society into a place where everyone finds a home and where they can survive and thrive, it’s because someone,...
Try This in a Small Town

Try This in a Small Town

"This is what is possible with good government that works for people. This is what happens when people are put closer and closer to decision-making power." - Carrie Santoro, Pennsylvania Stands Up Country singer Jason Aldean recently sparked a firestorm with his song...

¡Nuestro Avivamiento Popular Está Aqui!

¡Nuestro avivamiento popular está AQUÍ! Más de mil de ustedes vinieron de todo el país para unirse a mí en Arlington, Virginia, para nuestra convención de People’s Action de 2023. APOYE A NUESTRO TRABAJO ENGLISH Llamamos a esta convención "Volvemos a casa," y...
The Organizing Revival Is Here!

The Organizing Revival Is Here!

EN ESPANOL The Organizing Revival is HERE! More than a thousand of you came from all across the country to join me in Arlington, Virginia for our 2023 People’s Action convention. We called this convention “Coming Home,” and it truly was a homecoming: a time to meet...
That Thing I Did With You,  It Changed My Life

That Thing I Did With You, It Changed My Life

I can’t wait to see you all at the People’s Action Convention! Our members, friends and allies from across the country are coming to Washington, D.C. this June 25th through 27th. This year’s theme is “Coming Home: An Organizing Revival.” For me, it is truly a...
Elect Working People For Everything

Elect Working People For Everything

The 2022 midterms were full of surprises to many political pundits, analysts, and consultants. A popular narrative predicting a massive Republican wave election turned out to be wrong, with Democrats retaining the U.S. Senate and performing stronger than expected in...
Democracy Is On The Ballot

Democracy Is On The Ballot

Photo credit: Vickie D. King, Mississippi Today (CC) LEA EN ESPANOL The right’s decades-old strategy to divide voters has taken a dangerous turn. What can bring us back together? It’s said a frog will sit calmly in warming water until it boils. Will we do the same?...
Democracy Is On The Ballot

Su voto es para la democracia

Photo: Vickie D. King, Mississippi Today (CC) LEA EN INGLES La estrategia de la derecha para dividir a los votantes ha tomado un vuelta peligrosa. ¿Qué puede unirnos? Se dice que una rana se sentirá tranquilamente en agua que se calienta hasta que hierva. ¿Haremos lo...
¿Cómo podemos sanar el alma de la nación?

¿Cómo podemos sanar el alma de la nación?

LEA EN INGLES Debemos salir de nosotros mismos para volver a vernos como parte de una comunidad, como vecinos, y no como enemigos. Pero esto no sucederá por sí solo. Si queremos comunidad, tenemos que construirla. A principios de este mes, el presidente Biden nos...
Keeping Our Eyes On The Prize

Keeping Our Eyes On The Prize

LEA EN ESPANOL LISTEN TO THE PODCAST “It’s got to be about how we are creating opportunities for folks on the ground to build their power. Because that is the only thing that we are about.” - Bill Przylucki, GroundGameLA The movement for racial and economic justice in...
Keeping Our Eyes On The Prize

¡Mirando hacia delante y avanzando!

LEA EN INGLES ESCUCHE EL PODCAST “Lo que importa es si estamos creando oportunidades para la gente, para que puedan desarrollar su poder. Porque eso es lo único que a nosotros nos toca.” - Bill Przylucki El movimiento por la justicia racial y económica en los Estados...
Para defender los derechos, hay que defender nuestra democracia

To Defend Rights, Defend Our Democracy

LEA EN ESPANOL LISTEN TO THE PODCAST Protesters have poured into the streets following the Supreme Court’s decision to end reproductive freedom. As a mother of three, I share this anguish and anger. I fear for our lives in a country that so easily takes away a...
Se me rompe el corazón

Se me rompe el corazón

LEA EN INGLES Mi corazón ha estado quebrantado en las últimas semanas. Desde los asesinatos racistas en Buffalo hacia lo que parece el fin inminente de la libertad reproductiva en tantos estados del país, hasta hace unos días, con la terrible matanza de 19 niños con...
What I Learned In Kansas

What I Learned In Kansas

In his 2004 book What’s the Matter with Kansas, Thomas Frank describes how working-class voters in his home state came to support a party that does not stand with them on policies that affect their livelihood and ability to make ends meet. Why, he asks, do they vote...

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