We Are Far From Ready To Vote By Mail
Photo credit: DOD / cc More than 30 statewide elections are being held between now and August 18, previewing how unfamiliar or difficult absentee voting may be across America this fall. The next big test is June 2, when eight states and the District of Columbia hold...
Vote By Mail Is The Answer
For many Americans, vote-by-mail will be a matter of life and death come November. There will be no widely available vaccine by then, and even if an anti-viral medicine is proven broadly effective this summer, it would be difficult to manufacture a sufficient quantity...
GOP Resists Voting By Mail In Red States
Across America, election officials responsible for the details of running elections have a clear idea of what is needed to shift to mostly mail-in voting in upcoming spring, summer and fall elections to protect voters from the coronavirus. But pockets of conservatives...
The Essential Message: Trump Is Harmful To Your Health
Coronavirus press briefing, March 18, 2020. Photo credit: Shealah Craighead, White House, CC Trump and the GOP have trapped themselves in a course of action and a debate that have the potential to destroy them come November, if only Democrats understand and engage....
Trump's Reelection Strategy: Pit Workers Against Democrats
Photo credit: James Barragan / Facebook / cc The politics of the pandemic is about to get nasty and divisive. And Trump thrives on the politics of nastiness and division. Chants of “lock her up” will likely be replaced by chants of “open it up.” And unless Democrats...
Sanders Suspends, Fight Goes On
Bernie Sanders suspended his campaign for president, but the fight is just getting started. Senator Sanders and the movements surrounding his campaign have brought to fore an agenda that has inspired tens of millions, on its way to creating a new common sense about...
Judges Will Increasingly Decide How 2020 Elections Are Run
Photo credit: Wisconsin National Guard / Spc. Emma Anderson The jaw-dropping conclusion of a federal court hearing on April 1 about Wisconsin’s statewide elections on April 7 was no April Fools’ joke. U.S. District Judge William Conley said the state’s Democratic...
We Must Vote To Protect Public Health
Photo credit: Joint Base San Antonio / cc There’s been a massive failure of leadership in the United States in preparation, containment, treatment and protecting our residents from the cascading effects of the COVID-19 outbreak. As Board members of Physicians for...
Here's How Progressives Scored 3 Major Wins in Illinois
Photo credit: Lorianne DiSabato, Flickr / cc A core lesson from the Illinois primary is that it’s not enough for a candidate to have the right message if there is not sufficient organization on the ground. Tuesday was a rough night for the Left at the top of the...
How Will Dems Name Delegates Amid Virus Shutdowns?
Washoe, NV Democratic County Convention, 2016. Photo credit: Trevor Bexon / flickr / cc Top Democratic Party officials are scrambling to figure out how to handle voting by crowds at their next big event of the 2020 presidential season: the county conventions where...