by Adrienne Evans | Nov 11, 2019 | Blog, Featured, I Speak, Organizing, Race, Rural, White Nationalism
People's Action congratulates Adrienne Evans, executive director of United Vision for Idaho, on receiving a 2020 Roddenberry Fellowship. The program, whose alumni include Alicia Garza, Michael White and Judith LeBlanc, seeks to empower activists to “think, question,...
by Cherie Mortice | Aug 30, 2019 | Blog, Featured, Health, I Speak, Rural
Last week I took over the lobby of the Master Builders of Iowa in Des Moines with 30 other members of Iowa Citizens For Community Improvement Action, the largest progressive organization in our state, with members in all of our 99 counties. Why, you might ask, did...
by Justin Vest | Aug 12, 2019 | Blog, Featured, I Speak, Immigration, Rural
Photo credit: Hometown Action / cc Last week, I dropped my kids off for their first day of school in our small Alabama town of not even 7,000 people. The kids were excited, but I was a nervous wreck. My kids - eight and eleven - are my heart and joy. Would they have...
by Leo Gerard | Jul 12, 2019 | Blog, Featured, Future of Work, I Speak, International, Jobs and Growth, Koch Brothers
Leo Gerard, a longtime contributor to OurFuture, retires Monday after 54 years as a union man and 18 as the International President of United Steelworkers (USW). We thank Leo for his leadership and tireless efforts for working people around the world. I was raised in...
by Kenia Alcocer | Jun 28, 2019 | Featured, I Speak, Immigration
I came to this country from Mexico as a small child because my mother was escaping poverty and wanted to give my sisters and me a better life. She worked hard to make sure we had food on our table and a roof over our heads, often doing two and three jobs at a time....
by Mary Gerisch | May 22, 2019 | Blog, Featured, Health, I Speak
A few weeks ago I was in handcuffs, one of six People’s Action members arrested at Sen. Mitch McConnell’s office in Washington, D.C.. We engaged in a peaceful protest after we asked Mitch to step out of the way of #MedicareForAll, and he refused. Why was I there,...