by Digby | Sep 5, 2013 | Economy, The Jobs Challenge, The Sequester
I haven't heard much concern about the cost of this Syrian operation which is kind of surprising since the last four years has been a non-stop barrage of rhetoric about the need to cut government spending, from members of both parties. We've had epic unemployment...
by Terrance Heath | Aug 22, 2013 | Conservatism, The Sequester
In their effort to reach Latino voters with their economic message, Republicans have run into an interesting problem. In Spanish, "sequester" translates as "secuestrar," which literally means to kidnap someone, or take someone hostage. It's ironic, and appropriate....
by Robert Borosage | Apr 10, 2013 | The Sequester
Today, the president releases his budget for fiscal year 2014, the year that begins this October. Commentators and advocates will pour over its disparate parts, although the White House has already leaked its major contours. This document is less a budget for...
by Jeff Bryant | Apr 9, 2013 | Education, The Sequester
Everyone at all familiar with the Judgment of Solomon has to be aghast as political leaders reverse that Biblical wisdom and proceed to "split the difference" over who gets whose way on matters affecting children. Instead of putting the interests of children first,...
by Richard Eskow | Apr 9, 2013 | Chained CPI, The Sequester
It's time to think the unthinkable: The leader of the Democratic Party is about to submit a budget which cuts Social Security benefits. Party officials are reportedly promoting candidates with no track record on key issues and no apparent interest in politics. And...
by Derek Pugh | Apr 5, 2013 | Economy, Minimum Wage, The Sequester
Millennials – the largest, best educated, and most diverse generation in our nation’s history – have one question for Democrats seeking election in 2014: Do your values really reflect ours? Democrats have reason to worry about what the answer would be from the 80...