by Terrance Heath | Dec 23, 2013 | Conservatism, Economy, Health, Minimum Wage, The Sequester, This Is The GOP
From the second inauguration of Barack Obama to the latest skirmish in the “War on Christmas,” a steady stream of outrageousness flowed from the American right this year. Here are the best of the worst of the right-wing in 2013. The Confederate Battle Flag In Front...
by Richard Long | Dec 5, 2013 | The Sequester
Congress could, if it chose to, vote today to repeal the mindless across-the-board budget cuts known as the sequester and at the same time close loopholes corporations use to escape paying taxes, ensuring that we have the resources to put the American economy back on...
by Derek Pugh | Nov 19, 2013 | Budget Talks, The Sequester
Americans have endured five long years of hardship, stagnant wages and slow growth in the post-recession economy. Enough is enough. Join Campaign for America’s Future and eight other groups representing millions of Americans in a campaign to get rid of the sequester...
by Terrance Heath | Nov 13, 2013 | Budget Talks, Conservatism, Economy, Retirement Security, The Jobs Challenge, The Sequester
The budget conference committee meets this week to hammer out a plan to avoid another government shutdown. So far, not so good. Committee co-chairs Rep. Paul Ryan (R, Wisc.) and Sen. Patty Murray (D, Wash.) are “struggling” to define the “parameters” of a “bipartisan...
by Terrance Heath | Oct 30, 2013 | Conservatism, Economy, Shutdown, The Sequester, This Is The GOP
In Charlie Daniels' 1979 hit single, the Devil went down to Georgia looking for a soul to steal. The Washington Post went down to Georgia looking for a story about anger over economic distress in tea party districts. Like the Devil in Daniel’s song, the Post comes...
by Digby | Oct 28, 2013 | Economy, Health, Retirement Security, The Sequester
We more or less knew about this already, but this is another version: At the end of a long White House meeting between Senate Republicans and President Barack Obama during the government shutdown, Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) threw out a question: Would the president...