by Mary Bottari | Nov 14, 2013 | Budget Talks, Economy, Retirement Security
Say it ain’t so Jon. Our friend Jon Romano, press secretary for the inside-the-beltway PR campaign “Fix the Debt” and its pet youth group, The Can Kicks Back, have been caught writing op-eds for college students and placing the identical op-eds in papers across the...
by Isaiah J. Poole | Nov 14, 2013 | Budget Talks, Retirement Security
Rep. Paul Ryan now has a clear, unmistakable message about where the American Majority stands on his ideas for cutting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid benefits – no, no, 700,000 times no. Ryan's office on Wednesday received a petition signed by more than...
by Terrance Heath | Nov 13, 2013 | Budget Talks, Conservatism, Economy, Retirement Security, The Jobs Challenge, The Sequester
The budget conference committee meets this week to hammer out a plan to avoid another government shutdown. So far, not so good. Committee co-chairs Rep. Paul Ryan (R, Wisc.) and Sen. Patty Murray (D, Wash.) are “struggling” to define the “parameters” of a “bipartisan...
by Robert Borosage | Nov 4, 2013 | Budget Talks
Washington is girding for another bruising budget crisis. Agreement is needed for funding the government by mid-January to avoid another shutdown. The debt ceiling must be lifted by February to avoid default. The last shutdown ended only with an agreement on the...
by Digby | Oct 31, 2013 | Budget Talks, Economy, Retirement Security
Just a reminder here that the Grand Bargain was not conceived as a "deal" between the Republicans and Democrats to cut the "entitlements" in exchange for some "revenue." That's the "Balanced Approach" that was set forth by the President in the 2012 campaign. The Grand...
by Richard Eskow | Oct 28, 2013 | Budget Talks
The House-Senate budget negotiations, scheduled to begin on Wednesday, are an opportunity for our leaders to finally have a meaningful discussion about healing our damaged economy. That's the discussion Washington should have been having all along, but which it hasn't...