fresh voices from the front lines of change







How We Build a More Perfect Union

How We Build a More Perfect Union

SUPPORT OUR WORK ESPAÑOL To perfect our democracy, we must defend it. It all begins with our votes. This week, I watched my daughter, Genesis Mercado-Arias, address more than a hundred immigrants who had just become United States citizens in Kansas City. She had been...

¿Qué futuro elegirás tú?

SUPPORT OUR WORK ENGLISH Esta semana estuve llena de orgullo al unirme a nuestros aliados en el Caucus Progresista del Congreso (CPC) para presentar su nueva Agenda de Propuestas Progresistas, la cual representa una guía para ampliar y defender los derechos y...
Which Future Will You Choose?

Which Future Will You Choose?

SUPPORT OUR WORK ESPAÑOL This week, I was proud to stand with our allies in the Congressional Progressive Caucus to introduce their Progressive Proposition Agenda, a roadmap to expand and defend rights and freedoms for all, especially poor and working people. The...
Why Do My Groceries Cost So Much?

Why Do My Groceries Cost So Much?

Giant corporations and billionaires want to keep their taxes low and the prices we pay high. That’s why they want Trump back in office. SUPPORT OUR WORK ESPAÑOL In 2004, I was a single mom raising three daughters on my own. I worked three jobs, including an overnight...

¿Por qué cuesta tanto la comida?

Las grandes empresas quieren pagar menos en impuestos, y que nosotros paguemos mas en los supermercados. Es por eso que quieren que Trump vuelva al poder.  APOYE NUESTRO TRABAJO INGLES Hace veinte años, yo era una madre soltera, criando sola a mis tres hijas. Para...

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