fresh voices from the front lines of change







The Latest Lie: Romney Doubles Down On Friday's Lie

Mitt Romney told a lie Friday, scaring Ohio's Jeep workers with a claim that Jeep is shutting down US manufacturing and moving it to China. Now he is doubling down on this lie with a new ad. He is calculating that the lies will scare enough poorly-informed people to...

Progressive Breakfast

Each morning, Bill Scher and Terrance Heath serve up what progressives need to effect change on the kitchen-table issues families face: jobs, health care, green energy, financial reform, affordable education and retirement security. MORNING MESSAGE: Europe's Agony...

Why Voters Need To Know About #SENSATA

Right now a company named Sensata is moving equipment out of a factory in Freeport, Ill. and shipping it to a factory in China. Sensata will be laying off all of the American workers, but first they are making the workers train their Chinese replacements. The workers'...

If Mitt Romney Told The Truth About Jobs

Having entered the "closing argument" phase of the campaign, President Obama has pivoted to jobs. But as Bill Scher noted, the president's newly published jobs plan is cribbed from from policies that he's already proposed. President Obama has always enjoyed the...

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