fresh voices from the front lines of change







Measures of Heat in Tuesday’s Primaries

Voters turned out in primary elections across Ohio, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri and Washington on Tuesday. Any conclusions drawn from primaries three months out from a midterm vote are written in the wind. That does not stop the press from naming “winners and losers,”...

Will the Foreign-Policy Elite Learn From Trump?

American elites have reinforced a global order in which the “winners” are protected, and the “losers” are ignored. Donald Trump’s election stunned the national-security establishment, which the precocious Ben Rhodes, Obama’s deputy national-security adviser, once...

Why Primary Fights Are Good for the Democratic Party

Primary season is underway, and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has faced growing backlash to its heavy-handed interventions on behalf of some favored candidates. Texas Democrat Laura Moser is running in her state's 7th Congressional District. (Photo...

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