by Robert Borosage | Jan 25, 2019 | Blog
U.S. presidential contests may seem never-ending, but if the debate is about policy - instead of personality - is that such a bad thing? The 2020 presidential campaign began long before the midterms ended. Reporters have already started covering the gaggle of...
by Robert Borosage | Nov 7, 2018 | Blog
The 2018 election is blue wave with a harsh red undertow. First, the wave: Democrats took the House, moving towards flipping over 30 seats, took seven gubernatorial races and counting, and made significant gains in down-ballot races –winning over 330 state legislative...
by Robert Borosage | Sep 17, 2018 | Blog
The insurgent progressive movement has good reasons to celebrate as primary season comes to an end, much to the dismay of the corporate wing of the Democratic party. The victories of young, fresh insurgents get the most attention, but equally important is the...
by Robert Borosage | Sep 6, 2018 | Blog
"Promises made, Promises Kept” will be Donald Trump’s slogan as he campaigns “six or seven days a week” for Republicans this fall. During the 2016 election, Trump promised workers “more jobs and better wages,” that he would bring jobs back from abroad. “Every policy...
by Robert Borosage | Aug 17, 2018 | Blog
Mainstream media has settled into conventional themes about this year's primary elections. After Tuesday’s voting in Wisconsin, Iowa, Vermont and Connecticut, the press trotted out the expected conclusions: “Democrats go for diversity; Republicans pick pro Trump...