fresh voices from the front lines of change







A New Way to Equal Pay For All Women

Equal Pay Day is here. Never heard of it? If you’re a working woman, or a man who cares about the women in your life, this matters to you, so listen up. Equal Pay Day is the day in any given year when women working full-time, year-round catch up to men’s earnings from...

Female Vets at Highest Risk for Homelessness

When Veterans Day was started in 1918 as a way to honor World War I vets, it was originally called Armistice Day. Back then, even though women served in the military, they weren’t officially recognized as veterans and given veterans benefits (that wouldn’t happen for...


Seemed like only seconds after Donald Trump called Hillary Clinton a “nasty woman” in the final debate that women retaliated. In what Glamour magazine dubbed a “bad-ass backlash” hashtags like #NastyWomenVote and jokes about Nasty Woman being Trump’s favorite...

Leave Bill Clinton Out of It

On the eve of the second 2016 presidential debate – in town hall format – Donald Trump is once again threatening to use the matchup to blame Hillary Clinton for the past sins of her husband. He first raised the issue months ago when he still had primary opponents --...

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