by Laurel Wales | Nov 6, 2019 | Blog, Election, Featured, Organizing
Regina Romero - an environmental activist committed to co-governing with the People’s Action affiliate group LUCHA (Living United For Change In Arizona) - made history Tuesday night by becoming Tuscon’s first woman and Latina mayor in a landslide victory. “I’m still...
by Laurel Wales | Sep 20, 2018 | Blog, Democracy, Election, Leigh Friedman, Politics
Laurel Wales, People’s Action Deputy Director of Movement Politics, sat down with Our Future's Leigh Friedman to talk about the outlook for grassroots candidates in November's general election and beyond. This is part two of a two-part interview. OF: As all eyes turn...
by Laurel Wales | Sep 12, 2018 | Blog, Democracy, Election, Leigh Friedman, Politics
As 2018 primaries draw to a close, People's Action Deputy Director of Movement Politics Laurel Wales sits down with Leigh Friedman to talk about grassroots candidates we've supported and the importance of what she calls "the politics of joy." This is part one of two....
by Laurel Wales | Nov 9, 2017 | Blog
What a difference a year makes! Waking up after Election Day in 2017 is incredibly different from last November, when we faced the prospect of a misogynist-in-chief in the White House, starring in a four-year reality show of his own creation at our expense. Trump and...