fresh voices from the front lines of change







The People Fired Puzder

Andy Puzder, President Trump’s pick to run the Labor Department, didn’t really bow out. He was fired. But even though Trump made the phrase “you’re fired” his motto, he didn’t force Puzder out. We did. Working people sent him the pink slip. When Trump was inaugurated...

Resisting Trump Is Not Enough

Cross-posted from The Nation, with permission.  Donald Trump’s provocations have stirred a resistance that is ferocious, diverse and growing, shaking Republicans and stiffening Democratic spines. Raucous town-hall meetings targeting members of Congress in their home...

Donald Trump Has Pulled an Epic Bait-and-Switch

Cross-posted from The Nation, with permission. President Donald Trump lies. He lies about the size of his inaugural crowd, about millions of supposedly fraudulent votes, the number of jobs he “saved” at Carrier, terrorist incidents that supposedly go underreported,...

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