fresh voices from the front lines of change







What Do We Know about Neil Gorsuch?

[fve][/fve] Early news reports on Neil Gorsuch, President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee, tended to emphasize his personal story and his conservative leanings. But they failed to provide much detail on Gorsuch's...

We Have Not Yet Begun to Fight Tom Price

Just because the Senate voted to make Tom Price the nation’s top health care official doesn't mean that the debates that flared over his nomination should end. This fight is just beginning. The Senate confirmed Price as secretary of Health and Human Services in the...

Trump Stands Up for Bad Bankers

The best way to spot a con artist is by paying attention to what you don't see, as well as to what you see. Donald Trump says he represents working people, but he has already moved aggressively to tilt the scales in favor of Wall Street’s criminal elite. As Trump...

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