fresh voices from the front lines of change







The Oregon Idea – Make Voting Easy

The following was originally posted at Reclaim the American Dream “We make voting convenient with vote by mail and by sending a voters’ guide to every household in the state,” says Oregon Secretary of State Jeanne Atkins. “We make registration simple, with both...

Where's The Big Money Danger Now? Look Down-Ballot

David and Charles Koch. Illustration by DonkeyHotey (Creative Commons). Washington – If you’re tempted to think campaign megamillions no longer matter because maverick Republican Donald Trump is a self-financed near-nominee and Bernie Sanders has fomented a nationwide...

The Blowback Against 'Gerrymandering On Steroids'

In a stunning defeat for what one judge called “gerrymandering on steroids,” a three-judge federal court has ruled that the Republican gerrymandering of North Carolina’s congressional districts in 2011 was unconstitutional on grounds that it was racially driven...

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