by Eric Lotke | Nov 8, 2012 | Blog
I worked the polls in Fairfax, Virginia on election day 2012. I opened the door at 6:00 am, logged voters in, operated the machines, and passed out "I voted" stickers on the way out. At 10:00 pm when our results had been tabulated and machines disassembled, I signed...
by Eric Lotke | Feb 28, 2012 | Blog
The private prison industry is on the march. In recent months the industry moved to take over 24 state prisons in southern Florida and buy five prisons in Ohio. Now it’s making moves in Michigan. But the industry doesn’t always win. Resistance isn’t futile. The...
by Eric Lotke | Jan 30, 2012 | Blog
I'm a middle-aged, middle-class PTA dad who participates in Occupy DC because I want a better country for our kids. On Sunday, the National Park Service brutally tased a peaceful, young Occupy DC demonstrator. This was a prelude to their threatened crackdown of Occupy...
by Eric Lotke | Oct 25, 2011 | Blog
I’ve been spending evenings and weekends recently with the Occupy protestors in DC. I can’t stay full time because, unlike many protestors, I have two children and a full-time job. But I clearly share their interests and I’m glad they’re making the ruckus. Our economy...
by Eric Lotke | Sep 15, 2011 | Blog
On Labor Day, President Obama rediscovered his roots. He traveled to the LaborFest rally in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and proposed $50 billion in infrastructure spending to “create jobs” and “make our economy hum over the long haul.” Everything was on target — from the...