I’m Ahniah Selene, and I live in Boise, Idaho. I’m also a proud board member of United Vision for Idaho, part of the People’s Action family of grassroots groups. On this day 54 years ago we won Medicare, which opened the door to the comprehensive health care we all deserve. Then we won the Affordable Care Act, and imperfect as it was, we kept fighting for this bold vision. Medicare is a matter of life or death for me, and so many people around the country. On behalf of UVI, I’d like to say to the people of North Carolina, Alabama, Tennessee, Kansas and Wisconsin, Idaho is with you! Together, we are a People’s Action: we are millions of people who are done begging for piecemeal healthcare, and for Medicaid expansion. We are fighting for Medicare For All. Together, we will win real healthcare in America.
It is time! Do it! Medicare for all!
We are All One !
Medicare for All now! Just do it!
We need Medicare for All to cover ALL Americans for health care that they need.