fresh voices from the front lines of change







Trump Hates Farmers

Trump Hates Farmers

Have you noticed how often Donald Trump prefaces his comments and tweets with phrases like “frankly,” “to tell the truth,” and “believe me”? More than a verbal tic, these qualifiers subliminally admit that being frank, truthful, and believable are not normal for him....

Wall Street Sodbusters

I love the names: Bobcat Farm, Golden Eagle Ranch, Long Prairie, Ten Mile Farm. They conjure up Americana, the old homestead, and our rich rural culture. Less bucolic, however, is the fact that all those farms are part of a massive Wall Street investment scheme called...

Union-Made Miracle on the Hudson

In their ongoing, all-out assault to crush labor unions, corporate forces have fabricated a cultural myth to undermine popular support for labor: Unions, they insist, are no longer needed. They tell us that in today’s entrepreneurial economy, workers must compete with...

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